Wild Edible Plants.

Dining on the Wilds

ForageAhead Group
for wild edibles discussions

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Dining on the Wilds

Learning Nature through

Wild Edible Plants

and Ethnobotany

WHY? learn wild edible plants
DESCRIPTION of the video course
Table of contents (plant list)
WHO made it?
Cover (25KB)
How to ORDER
Cattails are an important survival food

Acorns are an important ethnobotany food plant for survival    Dining on the Wilds

  • Takes you inside the classroom for an interesting graphic slide presentation which gives you a close-up look at the identification of many wild edible plants, herbs and mushrooms of North America.
  • Come along on live field trips. Observe and enjoy plants in their natural habitat. Learn how to use these natural, nutritive items.
  • Taste the fun of a cooking class where unique recipes are demonstrated.   You are in for a truly mouth watering treat.
  • Watch the fun as students bring family and friends to a gourmet buffet where everyone brings home made dishes containing at least one wild ingredient.
  • Listen to student comments as to why they enrolled in the class and why some have come back repeatedly.
  • This video set is a unique, fun and educational experience that your whole family will enjoy viewing over and over again.
Others say

I have thoroughly enjoyed Dining on the Wilds.  The tapes have been a great help.   They are very informative.   ... 

Susie Teague
Cedar Creek Nature Studies

[Why learn wild edible plants?] [Table of contents ] [About the presenters][Cover 25KB]
ORDER wild edible plant and survival books http://www.diningonthewilds.com/dworder.htmBOOKS about wild edible plants and survival

Dining on the Wilds
is brought to you by

Miriam Darnall-Kramer [18K] 
  • Author of Wild Plants to Eat correspondence course and 6 other related courses.
  • Co-author of Wild Plants to Eat workbook and slide set.
  • Associate director of the former International Wilderness Club.
  • Extensive classroom and field experience teaching about wild edible plants in 27 states, Canada and Peru.
  • Listed in Who's Who in American Women.
  • Secretary-treasurer of Forage Ahead.
John Goude[16K]
[ Dining on the Wilds top ] [Reasons to learn Wild edible plants] [ Table of contents] [ Cover25KB ]
ORDER survival food http://www.diningonthewilds.com/dworder.htm BOOKS

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