Dining on the Wilds

John showing a friend how to eat Dudleya

  • Occupation:

  • Computer consultant
  • Education:

  • BS Computer Science
  • height 5' 11"
  • Married
  • Left handed



  • Other interests include:

  • 4 X 4, Pathfinders (a church scouting type group), crafts, camping, hiking, cross country skiing, inventing things, ham radio KE6VUB, whistling 
    On April 4, 2004 I went scouting for a Pathfinder outing and picked up a tick that had Lyme disease. Being that it was in an area that IDSA boldly declare does NOT have Lyme the tests were declared false positives. The IDSA protocol of treatment was not successful so have been using the ILADS protocol with much more success.

    Copyright © 1996, 2012 John Goude