Mountain misery was used by the Indians of the Sierras as a medicine for various diseases like flues, colds, coughs, etc.
Take one leaf cluster of 4 or 5 leaves and steep it in a cup of hot water for 15-20 min. at the first symptoms of an illness. Somehow drink the tea. Some have found it useful as aroma therapy.
The first time I tried this plant, I had just come back from a rendezvous and many people had an illness that started as a fever and weakness progressing to a cough and laryngitis. I noticed one day that I was coming down with the symptoms that others had started with and been sick for more than a week. At the rendezvous I had been trading Mountain misery and had some left. So I made a cup of tea and drank it just before I went to bed. That night I woke up feeling very hot. In the morning the fever had left and I never did get the rest of the symptoms that the others had gotten.
I have tried this remedy several times since then, and usually it
but two times it apparently did nothing for me. It seems to work better
on respiratory system flues better than on digestive system flues. It
not worked on colds (a respiratory infection without much fever or
Liver function seems to be enhanced by mountain
misery. I
know a
The common name "Mountain misery" was given to this low growing plant because its resinous leaves leave sticky resin on every thing they touch. Some people think the resin has an unpleasant medicine odor.
If you would like to try this ancient but potent Indian herbal
on your misery send $5 to:
Please make checks and money orders payable to John Goude.
Mountain misery
1300 Brenda Way.
Washoe Valley NV89704